The relIPhoneBlog - On the Move. Web in Pocket.

A blog sent exclusively from my iPhone. Why? There is no why.
Sporadically updated. Like life.

Friday, November 30, 2007


The boy had a project last weekend on the founder of Coca Cola. This
weekend I think I'll do a project too.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Holy Crap!!!

It was HUGE! But I cornered it and WHAM! ...lost it. Maybe next time.


Why is it always my responsibility to kill the spiders in the house? I mean really. I just got home, made a drink and sat down on the porch. Not two seconds pass and I get "There's a spider in the bathroom, come here quick!" I say "wait a minute" and write this post. Wonder if it is still there?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

This sent from the hotbed of idiocy.

Looks like my bro was stomping around DC last night with his iPhone. I wonder if the secret service wrestled him to the ground after he took this shot of the idiots house?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The new LOWE'S in Palm Bay

Looks like some concrete guys are creating more work for themselves in the future. By the time this is finished the sidewalk should be in a million pieces.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Time stamp test II

That's better. Jeezum. My iPhone now thinks we're in Uganda. Whatever works. 

It's beginning to look like ...

The only thing between me and the door at work today. I had to jump them before they jumped me.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


I think I'm starting to scare all my friends (both of 'em) so I think
I'll just go to bed. I wonder how my iCal automator will work while
I'm sleeping? Until then nite nite blog.
Sent from my iPhone


Just got an email from "WaterBoy" and YES be very afraid.

The tree is up and...

Guess what's on tee vee.
Great movie. Crappy reception. Thanks Linda. I know it's not your
fault. But thanks anyway.

Time stamp check

As you can tell the time stamp is off a bit... like 3 hours. Jeez all this technology and you still can't rely on time seq. At least it's not blinking! Anyway, I guess I'll be updating from the future from here on out. Or would it be the past? Nope... future.


O Holy Christ!

My very first non-test post and look what D has begun to set up in the
den. Aren't there some laws here in this state forbidding Xmas trees
before the first day it gets below 53•.

The iPhone blog

Could I actually run a blog from my iPhone? Let's see...WTF lets do it!
Technology... use it and abuse it!